We Wont All Be Here Again

#955 - "Here Once again" past Elevation Worship
Pinnacle Worship'southward Chris Brown shares the personal message behind this new middle-opening anthem.


Since I commencement heard their song "Give Me Faith," Elevation Worship has consistently blessed me as a worshiper with their anthems for the church building: "Open up Our Eyes," "O Come to the Altar," "Do it Again" and "Resurrecting." The band is the worship team of Elevation Church, based out of Charlotte, N Carolina and led past Pastor Steven Furtick.

Tiptop Worship's nigh recent live worship album Hallelujah Here Below was one of my top 10 worship albums of 2018. The project features melodic, worshipful songs all focused on singing the truth of God's character and give-and-take into the hearts of listeners. If you are looking for new worship songs to sing with fellow believers, this album is chock-full of congregational songs, especially "Won't Stop Now," "Here Once more," "Worthy" and "Here Comes Heaven."

This is ane of the meridian worship albums of the twelvemonth. It is truly a moving and prayerful worship experience. These anointed worship leaders take consistently impressed me with their mature religion and sincere desire to serve Jesus. The truly unstoppable beloved of Jesus is beautifully expressed in these compelling songs. The Lord calls usa to accept joy in Him regardless of our circumstances, which these songs celebrate. I had the chance to speak with Chris Brown about "Here Again."

Please tell me the personal story behind the vocal.

This is i of the near personal songs we've written. It's e'er going to be one of those songs where I'll never forget the time, and the place the vocal was finished. Information technology was written under difficult circumstances for me personally. I've seen loved ones laissez passer away where they are defenseless in the middle between globe and heaven. And, I had gone through a season of life caught in the center of family rhythms and ministry building. "Hither Again" started with the concept of being "here in the centre" and coming together God in that place. Subsequently, when nosotros came back to the vocal, nosotros were in another flavour of reflection and non knowing what was ahead. Things didn't look similar they used to. In that moment, it was a lightbulb moment for us to turn to Genesis 28 and Jacob's dream. He had been a cheat and a liar, and he was not a great guy. He had gone through a journeying and and then had this revelation where he sees the ladder going up to heaven and says the Lord has been in this identify. That was the turning indicate for finishing this vocal.

Which Bible verses connect to the message of the song?

Lamentations 3:22-23 (VOICE): "How enduring is God'due south loyal dear; the Eternal has inexhaustible compassion. Here they are, every morning, new! Your faithfulness, God, is every bit broad as the day."

Deuteronomy 31:vi(NKJV): "Be strong and of good courage, practise not fright nor be agape of them; for the Lord your God, He is the Ane who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."

1 John 4:18-19(NKJV): "There is no fear in dearest; merely perfect love casts out fear, considering fear involves torment. But he who fears has non been made perfect in love. We love because He start loved united states of america."

Isaiah 41:10(NKJV): "Fear non, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you lot, Yep, I will aid you, I will uphold y'all with My righteous correct mitt."

Deuteronomy 4:39 (NIV): "Acknowledge and take to center this 24-hour interval that the LORD is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other."

Hebrews 11:1 (NLT): "Religion is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; information technology gives the states assurance about things we cannot encounter."

ii Corinthians five:7 (NKJV): "For we walk by faith, not by sight."

What is the takeaway bulletin?

Our faith is ever about awareness. It comes downwards to what we put our optics on--no thing how we feel in this in-between place. Our awareness of God's presence in the middle of everything is what this vocal is nigh. What nosotros want people to accept abroad from "Here Once more" is that information technology would open people'south eyes to God'southward presence even when we don't sense Him, when we're mad or sorry, and when we're in doubt or feeling abandoned. He not only remains faithful, which we can understand from our cognition standpoint, but God is waiting for our awareness of His presence. He's not simply there as a friend, He needs usa to recognize that He'due south never left us--now thing what nosotros're feeling.

"Hither Once again" has brought a lot of healing to people. It seems to bring near a sense of awe and wonder of God. Nosotros can't have worship without either of those feelings that express our religion in Him. This vocal has helped return people to a place of awe and wonder. Our album,Hallelujah Here Beneath, is virtually where nosotros notice ourselves right now in our faith journey and how we view ourselves equally children of God. God inhabits the praises of His people.

Can't go back to the kickoff
Tin't command what tomorrow will bring
But I know here in the middle
Is the place where Yous hope to be
I'm not enough unless Y'all come
Will Y'all come across me here once again
'Crusade all I want is all You lot are
Volition You meet me here again
As I walk now through the valley
Let Your dear rise above every fear
Like the sun shaping the shadow
In my weakness Your glory appears
I'thousand not enough unless You come
Will You meet me hither again
'Cause all I desire is all You are

Volition You encounter me hither again
I'1000 not enough unless Yous come
Will You meet me here again
'Cause all I want is all You are
Volition You meet me here again
Not for a minute
Was I forsaken
The Lord is in this place
The Lord is in this identify
Come Holy Spirit
Dry bones awaken
The Lord is in this place
The Lord is in this identify
Non for a minute
Was I forsaken
The Lord is in this place
The Lord is in this place
Come Holy Spirit
Dry basic awaken
The Lord is in this place
The Lord is in this identify
I'm not enough unless You come up
Will You lot meet me here again
'Crusade all I want is all You lot are
Will Yous run into me here again
I'm non enough unless You come
Will You come across me here over again
'Cause all I desire is all Y'all are
Volition Yous run across me here again

Closing Thoughts

Every vocal released by Elevation Worship completely focuses me every bit a listener on joining in praise, worship and adoration of Jesus. Our truthful joy comes from our relationship with Him. One of the lessons I've learned is that we shouldn't wait to fix ourselves before we step out in religion. We need to fully trust God. You can proclaim this faith statement with conviction: "Not for a minute/Was I forsaken/The Lord is in this identify/The Lord is in this place." What a powerful expression of what it ways to accept that God never leaves or forsakes united states as His followers. He is all we need.

The claiming for me in this song is the concept of needing to expect for God's promises, knowing that the challenges I'll face up in this fallen world are God'due south style of making my religion grow stronger in Him alone. I know many times I retrieve I can control outcomes and want things to always go my way. Do y'all want to be in control? Or do you want God to reveal His plans for you by waiting on Him? Are you waiting for yourself to piece of work things out, or are you waiting for God to reveal Himself?  When we experience like we're on shaky ground and dealing with the dubiety of our situations, the economy and our world, this song allows united states of america to dwell on the unshakable nature of God. When all else fades abroad, He will remain. Nosotros all need to recall that we're not able to save ourselves. Only Jesus can give us our true identity.

God tells us in the Bible that with organized religion, we can do anything in Christ. I'm completely convicted by the potent lyrics and observe immense comfort in this song filled with biblical truth.

Then many people can chronicle to the message of this song and the idea of waiting "here in the middle" to see God's promises revealed and to prepare our eyes on Him. "Here Over again" convicts me to know in my centre the biblical truth from Jeremiah in Lamentations 3:22-23; God's mercy is new each day, and it is not based on our performance or what nosotros can practice for God. He pours out His mercy despite what we've done, and at that place's nada nosotros can do except trust in His Son Jesus. We can't earn Heaven; it's but through complete surrender to Jesus and putting all of our hope in Him that we can exist saved. As a follower of Jesus, you lot'll want to bring together in and sing out: "I'm non enough unless Y'all come/Will Y'all encounter me hither over again/'Cause all I want is all You are/Will You meet me here again." Amen to that.

NRT Lead Contributor Kevin Davis is a longtime fan of Christian music, an avid music collector and credits the message of Christian music for leading him to Christ. He lives in Pennsylvania with his wife and three daughters.

Christian Music, Devotionals, Interviews, Editorials


Source: https://www.newreleasetoday.com/article.php?article_id=2550

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